Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria and scoring scale for prioritising the actions are shown in Table 11 below. As part of the workshop process, the Project Reference Group weighted the criteria based on their

The assessment criteria and scoring scale for prioritising the actions are shown in Table 11 below. As part of the workshop process, the Project Reference Group weighted the criteria based on their view of the relative importance of each category. These weightings are included in the table below.

Criteria Explanation Score Weighting (%)
Gap and needed for progress

This refers to the size of the gap created by not having this project in terms of knowledge, infrastructure

It also considers whether this project is needed before other projects can be undertaken i.e. are other projects dependent on the outcome of this one

Five is large gap and high need for progress

One is small gap and not needed for progress

Regional significance This refers to the degree of significance to the Region that this project is based on or related to.

Five is very significant to the Region

One is not very significant

Scale of impact This refers to the size of impact on relevant people, infrastructure, etc if an extreme event or gradual change in the climate occurs.

Five is very high

One is low

Quick win This refers to the speed with which the project can be implemented and completed, thus allowing a ‘quick win’ to be achieved by undertaking the project. This may be influenced by the size or complexity of the project or lead times for approvals, preparation or co-ordination of parties involved, for example.

Five is a very quick win (e.g. a few weeks)

One is a long-term project (e.g. more than two years)

Net cost (cost minus any funding available) This refers to the monetary cost of a project, taking into account any funding that is likely to be available to contribute to the cost. The assessment is made based on the cost that remains once funding has been taken into account.

Five is low net cost (e.g. free)

One is high net cost (e.g. over $1 million)

Demonstrates the value of working together

This refers to the level of collaboration and mutual benefit achieved by working together in undertaking this project and the results it achieves.

High value may be achieved through a greater number of parties that will benefit from the results or a high level of collaboration in undertaking the project.

Five is high value of working together

One is low value of working together

Immediacy This refers to the urgency with which a project needs to be undertaken. This may be due to the high risk of an event occurring and no relevant response/ information currently being available. An event may be considered high risk due to its likelihood or consequence.

Five is very immediate/urgent

One is low immediacy/urgency

Innovation - Australia This refers to the level of innovation that a particular project involves, in the domestic context. A high level of innovation will be considered better practice and be more likely to be leveraged by other regions.

Five is highly innovative

One is common response


Table 11: Assessment criteria

Regional priority projects

Priority regional projects