Monitoring Climate Change
The main objective of the South West Climate Change Portal is to provide support for the region to incorporate climate change mitigation and adaptation into future planning and in the development of projects. The portal will be continually revised and updated to ensure it remains relevant. The portal will also need to be adaptive to take into account changes to the environment that will occur as a result of climate change. This revision will occur as new and updated information becomes available,
The national Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement (MERI) Framework provides a generic framework for monitoring, evaluating, reporting and improving Australia’s approach to managing natural assets and is used to assess the success of nationally funded projects like the portal. These important activities provide directions in determining the appropriateness, effectiveness, efficiency, legacy and impact of policies and programs, as well as identifying processes for accountability. The MERI Framework which can be found at
The portal's MERI will be based on the MERI Framework and will be developed over the next 12 months and be completed by December 2018.
How the South West region responds to climate change, through both its mitigation actions and adaptation responses, will also be developed displayed here. Methods in how cliamte change is impacting the region's environmental, economic and social values will also be developed. This work is also aimed to be completed by December 2018.